Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) is a powerful surface analytical tool for chemical characterisation of thin surface layers or small particles. The information depth and lateral resolution of AES is in the nanometer range, while it is in the micrometer range for EDX. AES can also be used for depth profiling using an Ar+ ion gun. Similarly to EDX, AES can produce point or area analysis, line scans and chemical mapping. Our AES instrument is equipped with an in situ fracture attachment that enables surface analysis of interior surfaces after fracturing the sample in ultra high vaccum thereby avoiding oxidation.
Typical applications:
- Surface cleanliness of medical implants
- Depth profiling and chemical characterisation of thin films, e.g. oxides or stains
- Chemical characterisation of small particles (<0.1 µm)
- Metal embrittlement due to grain boundary segregation using in situ fracture